Telephone: (+34) 915 913 769

Fátima 2025
3º ESO - 1º Bach

Fátima (socios)

Important: This registration alone does not ensure your reservation. Your registration request will be reviewed and you will be notified when accepted.

Next steps:

  1. Confirm your email address: After filling out this form you will be sent an email with a link that you must visit to verify that your email address is correct, since all future notifications will be sent to that address. We suggest that you check your Spam forder if you have not received it within 24 hours.
  2. Make the down payment: Once you have been accepted, make the down payment (140€) before the deadline to ensure your reservation.

Login data to manage your registration

(anti-bots query)

You can access our system with the email and password you enter here. You will receive an email with a link that you need visit as a safety measure to validate and confirm your email address. We recommend you check your spam folder if you do not receive the email in your inbox.

The administrators of this platform will not process your registration until you complete this validation. You can use the same email address to manage multiple registrations. You will need to validate the email by clicking the verification link for each new registration. The system will save the last password you set.


Registration form

Image Rights Assignment

The minor and his parents authorize the Argos and Moncloa 2000 foundations to use photographic and audiovisual material of the minor obtained in activities organized by both. Read more.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the interested party is informed that the Moncloa 2000 Foundation is responsible for processing the personal data that will be provided. The purpose of the processing is to manage registration in any of the training activities or programs of the Moncloa 2000 Foundation; all on the basis of the express and unequivocal consent of the interested party to process, communicate, assign and, where appropriate, internationally transfer the necessary personal data. Given the collaboration provided by the Argos Sports and Training Association to the Moncloa 2000 Foundation for the development and organization of the activity in which the interested party is registered, and so that both entities can promote said activities through the use of photographic and audiovisual material in which the undersigned appear - material obtained in the development of said activities -, the minor and his parents or legal guardian authorize the Moncloa 2000 Foundation and the Argos Sports and Training Association to said use. The purpose of the publication of the images is the dissemination of the organized activities and the promotion and advertising of the Moncloa 2000 Foundation and the Argos Sports and Training Association, without time or geographic limitations. The images may be published through documentary media and websites and social networks of the Moncloa 2000 Foundation and the Argos Sports and Training Association, which are committed to their correct use, all according to the terms established in Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and self-image, as well as the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, Organic Law 3/2018 on protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights and other current regulations. The interested party may exercise their data protection rights in writing, including copy of official identification document, addressed to the Moncloa 2000 Foundation, Marqués del Riscal street, no. 12 - Commercial premises - 28010 | Madrid (Spain) or to the email More information in the privacy policy of the Foundation's website.

¿Ayudas a que otros también puedan ir?

Donativos sujetos a desgravación: de los primeros 250€ que dones te desgravas 200€. Hasta los primeros 250€ desgravación del 80%

+ 200.00 €Donativo para becas
+ 100.00 €Donativo para becas
+ 50.00 €Donativo para becas
+ 20.00 €Donativo para becas

Billing information



Base price: 625.00 EUR
¿Ayudas a que otros también puedan ir?: 0.00 EUR
Total: 625.00 EUR

  Reservation: 100.00 EUR
Periodic payments:

4 pagos mensuales
de 32.00 EUR
a partir del 01/10/2021

Handwritten signature

You can sign with your finger if your screen is soft, or upload a photo of your signature on paper. In any case, this firm gives legal character to your consent regarding the conditions expressed in the Terms and conditions mentioned in this form.

(only touch screen)
  Upload photo
(signature on paper)


Sign here

  Upload photo


Delegación España
Auditing Software Distributor S.L.
Tuset 23 - 25 Ático 8
08006 - Barcelona
 (+34)  93 764 87 07

Lunes – Jueves:
9:00 a 14:00 y 15:30 a 18:30,
9:00 a 14

Delegación Portugal
ASD, Lda.
Av. António Serpa, 32, 9C
1050-027 – Lisboa
 (+351) 21 795 11 23

Delegación Brasil
Rua Padre Adelino, 2074, Cj 121, Bairro Quarta Parada, CEP 03303-000
São Paulo-SP.
 (+55) 11 4890-2374

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