I International Course of Hand to Elbow Ultrasound-guided procedures and Sonosurgery

Place: Bilbao Spain
Event dates: 23/May/2024 24/May/2024
Registration: 5/Setember/2023 10/May/2024

General registration

1,512.50 EUR


Introduction to Sonosurgery Course 
Over the last decade development of new Ultrasound-guided procedures and sonosurgery
techniques has led to enhance the diagnosis and improve the outcomes of
common upper limb pathologies.
This course is dedicated to all surgeons interested in learn and acquire the skills
needed to perform this procedures safely and effectively with advanced high resolution
ultrasound machines and the last ultrasound designed instrumental.

Delegación España
Auditing Software Distributor S.L.
Tuset 23 - 25 Ático 8
08006 - Barcelona
 (+34)  93 764 87 07

Lunes – Jueves:
9:00 a 14:00 y 15:30 a 18:30,
9:00 a 14

Delegación Portugal
ASD, Lda.
Av. António Serpa, 32, 9C
1050-027 – Lisboa
 (+351) 21 795 11 23

Delegación Brasil
Rua Padre Adelino, 2074, Cj 121, Bairro Quarta Parada, CEP 03303-000
São Paulo-SP.
 (+55) 11 4890-2374

Tecnología exclusiva de INSCRIPCION.ONLINE

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