Telephone: (+52) 222-230-5264 / 222-910-1471

Junior High School 2021-2022
11 to 14 years old

General registration

Important: This registration does not guarantee the allocation of a place. After completing this form, an email will be sent to you with a link that you must visit to verify that your email address is correct, since from now on all notifications will reach you.

Notice: There is no more places. It's not possible to register.

Delegación España
Auditing Software Distributor S.L.
Tuset 23 - 25 Ático 8
08006 - Barcelona
 (+34)  93 764 87 07

Lunes – Jueves:
9:00 a 14:00 y 15:30 a 18:30,
9:00 a 14

Delegación Portugal
ASD, Lda.
Av. António Serpa, 32, 9C
1050-027 – Lisboa
 (+351) 21 795 11 23

Delegación Brasil
Rua Padre Adelino, 2074, Cj 121, Bairro Quarta Parada, CEP 03303-000
São Paulo-SP.
 (+55) 11 4890-2374


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