The cheapest online registrations
What distinguishes us from the competition is that we adapt to you, charging you only when there is activity on your portal (when you receive a registration or a purchase or when someone responds to a survey from you, etc.). Other platforms charge you a fixed monthly fee, and normally a percentage of the amount of the payments that your clients make to you.
- We don't care how much you charge your registered people, we always charge you the same:
0.40EUR for each person registered to your events
0.40EUR for each purchase on your store
0.20EUR for each response to a survey or questionnaire
- We do not charge any monthly fixed fee, only if the space of your files on our platform exceeds 500Mb then monthly a small amount will be deducted from your credit depending on the space of your files (€0.40 EUR for each 1,000Mb).
- There is no other added cost than the previous ones, not even a cost for sign up or configuration of the platform for your organization, or for configuring the payment systems with which you will charge your participants the payment of the registration reservation or the total amount thereof.
- If you decide to start with us, you will deposit intials 50 EUR that will be recorded as a start-up credit, so that you can register from the first day.
- When you want to cancel the service, the excess credit accumulated is returned, with the exception of the initial €30 EUR. Anyway, that credit does not expire, so we keep the operating account even if you do not use it.
Payment for use thanks to the CREDIT concept
The use of the platform ny our customers run around the concept of credit or balance. You add credit to your account with a few clicks and you can start receiving more and more registrations to your events, purchases on your store, and answers to your surveys.
You do not need to have credit for everything else: you can create unlimited events, add unlimited products to your store, register unlimited users, check your information whenever you want, etc. You can even receive payments for registrations or purchases and we don't charge you anything for that.

- So that the platform can make these micro-charges of €0.40 EUR each time you enter a new registration in one of your events, you have to recharge your account with credit (or balance).
- In your administrator panel you have a section where to manage the credit: check it, recharge it and see the history of consumption and recharge.
- With just one click you can indicate the amount of credit you want to add and the platform will redirect you to our payment page in IMASDEWEB, where you will choose which payment channel is most convenient for you to make the credit recharge.
- In addition, the system will notify you when your credit drops below an amount that you can set to never run out of credit.
- Credit never expires. If after the event registration process you have had enough credit, nothing is lost and there you have it for the following events. There are no expiration deadlines.
- You will always have access to your information, even if you don't have credit left. That is, you should not fear for the data of your events and registrations. Even if you do not have credit, we will never delete that information without first informing you and allowing you to export and download it, for example, if you have not used the account for more than a year.
- We return your unused credit. If you decide to cancel your account after a while using it, the money left over after the registration process for your event (s) will be returned to you by bank transfer to wherever you tell us.
The files do take place
Why we value transparency above all and we do NOT like "small letters" in the contracts, we want to clarify this: only in the case that the space occupied by the files of your inscriptions exceeds 500Mb of space on the server, you will be billed a Very minimum amount of €0.40 per month per stored Gb (1Gb = 1,000Mb).
The good news is that in 11 years only 3 customers has occupied more than 1000Mb. We want to offer the most demanding customers a top quality service that can respond to unusual demands for space, and for that reason, this issue is contemplated in this way just for everyone.

- We are totally transparent with our clients, and that is why we always clarify any existing costs and why and in advance. That is why it is important to understand that files in the cloud do take place. In addition, since our clients' files are hosted on top-level servers, it also costs money. Let's see the detail of the matter.
- To give you an idea: a single photo taken with any phone camera can easily take up the same space as 10,000 inscriptions of pure text !!! So, if you do not ask people to register to attach files to their inscriptions (photos taken with the camera, scanned documents or cards in PDF files, etc ...) you will not consume much storage space on the server, because they are the files such as photos and PDFs (especially if they contain images) which do take up enough space.
- So, you can understand that we have to be clear on this matter: if you are not going to ask your participants to attach files to their registration, you will not have any costs associated with storage. But if you do, it is also not something to worry about because 1Gb (= 1,000Mb) can accommodate hundreds of photos, and even thousands if they are well optimized. And today we are charging €0.40 per month for each Gb stored.
- We have preferred to clarify and explain this point so that nobody is surprised. Storing files on servers costs money, little money but costs. We have thought about other alternative billing options for this concept, but for now this is the way that seems most fair: once a month the platform measures the space occupied by your files and discounts your credit proportionally €0.40 per Gb , from 500Mb. If you don't have more than 500Mb we don't charge you anything that month.
- We want to mention that our platform automatically optimizes and resizes excessively large images that users can upload. Not everyone has good control of technology, and it happens to us that many users try to upload the images as they left their camera, without reducing them to a "reasonable" size. Our platform then makes an intelligent reduction of the images that exceed the well-known Full HD format (1920x1080px), which is a size more than enough to scan / photograph cards, credentials, IDs, passports, even folios of letter-size paper or DIN-A4 ... In this way, images that originally weigh 3Mb are usually reduced by 10 or 15 times their size without losing quality. If this restriction is a problem we can adapt the configuration of your platform, contact us.